Building Strong Customer Relationships in the Trades

Working in the trades isn’t just about fixing things—it’s about working with people. Whether you’re fixing a furnace or installing wiring, building good relationships with your customers is key to your success. Here’s how:

Listen Up: The Key to Good Service

Listening well is one of the most important skills you can have. Here’s how to be a better listener:

  • Pay attention: Look your customer in the eye and focus on what they’re saying.

  • Don’t plan your response: Listen first, then think about what to say.

  • Show you’re listening: Nod, smile, and give other signs you’re paying attention.

  • Clarify: Repeat what you heard to make sure you got it right. For example, “So you’re saying this, right?”

  • Respond thoughtfully: Once you understand, then respond.

Good listening prevents misunderstandings and shows your customers you care.

Clear Communication: Keep It Simple

Clear communication helps you avoid confusion and build trust. Here’s how to communicate better:

  • Be clear and simple: Use plain language, not technical jargon.

  • Ask questions: Make sure the customer understands and has no questions before you start.

  • Summarize: Explain what you did once the job is done.

Good communication makes customers feel informed and confident in your work.

Solving Problems: Your Main Job

Customers hire you to fix problems, and sometimes that means thinking on your feet. Here’s how to improve your problem-solving skills:

  • Understand the issue: Take time to really understand the problem.

  • Ask for help: Don’t hesitate to ask colleagues for their advice.

  • Be flexible: Think of different ways to solve the problem.

Being good at solving problems makes you reliable and helps build your reputation.

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